Wisdom & Knowledge

Wisdom & Knowledge That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Solomon answered… “Give me wisdom and knowledge that I may lead…” II Chronicles 1:7, 10 I learned that Scripture very early as a child. I was, perhaps eight or nine years old. But…

What Is Grace?

What Is Grace? At its simplest, GRACE means getting something we don’t deserve (eternity in heaven with God, light and loved ones) and NOT getting something we do deserve (eternity in torment in hell). Some of the simplest foundations of our faith are very hard to fully understand. God, in Heaven. We cannot touch heaven,…

Is Church THE Church?

Is Church THE Church? “The Church.” It’s a common phrase. Say the words and different pictures will form in the mind. A towering cathedral. A little white church. Maybe a childhood Vacation Bible School classroom. Perhaps it brings to mind faces kind and loving. Or harsh and judgmental. Regardless, it is typical to associate the words…

NIV versus KJV

NIV versus KJV We are easily a contentious people. Even within (or perhaps more so within) the body of Christian believers, there is great dispute about a great many things. In fact, if we were as good at caring for others as we are at fighting over the details, our world would be a much different…